Missionary Eva Lewis is the ninth child of ten children born to Claude and Zerelda Gaston. As a child, she was one of the first black students to participate in the segregation movement in the 1960’s. Her participation opened doors for other African Americans during this racial time in history. She served in numerous high school activities and graduated in 1975 with honors. Mrs. Lewis attended Rust College after receiving a full academic scholarship. But later transferred to Mississippi State University and obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Home Economics. She furthered her education and earned a Master’s degree in Secondary Education and Educational Specialist Degree in Guidance Counseling from Mississippi State University. She completed her certification in Social Studies at Mississippi Valley State University and Jackson State University.
Mrs. Lewis presently is retired from the school system but was employed for one year in Leflore County School District as a Junior High Home Economist. She was employed at Saints Academy as a Social Studies Instructor. She served for twenty-nine years in the Holmes County School District in positions of Home Economic Instructor, Lead Teacher, and Guidance Counselor.
The former Ms. Eva Gaston married Elder Larry L. Lewis. 1983. She served as the first lady of the House of Prayer COGIC in Greenville, MS, and Lighthouse COGIC in Blaine, MS. They are the parents of two children – Lartasa and Larry II and grandfather of Lartaevion Lewis.
Being a faithful and obedient servant of God, she has worked in the ministry in numerous positions: Sunday School Teacher, Youth Department Director, choir member, choir president, YPWW teacher, YWCC teacher, and Church Secretary. She served in different areas of the Northern Mississippi Jurisdiction in positions such as District Seven Sunday School Field Worker, Executive Hospitality Committee, and the Food Service Committee.
Missionary Lewis' goal is to bring her husband good and not harm, all the days of her life. She is a woman who fears the Lord and believes that she will receive praise and honor for all that her hands have done and let her works bring her praise at the gate.